Residence For One/For Many
The notion of a transportable home(s) exists in the architectural lexicon through house moving by semi-truck, grain elevator relocation by rail, and most recently popular fantasies of the shipping container home - the trendy successor to the post-war manufactured trailer house.

If Eisenman’s House projects expressed an indexical formalism, here instead this study presents a motivated formalism represented by two strategies:

1. a series of linked elements defined by a shippable architectural/constructable module

2. a “packing” strategy where objects fit within a modulated container

The differences between the two formal methods are expressed not only in concept but also by the environmental conditioning strategies that make them advantageous. A home generated primarily through plan (green home), makes for insulated walls and smaller more efficient volumes to heat. A home produced primarily through section (red home), encouraged by the sectional tube of LeCorbusier’s Unité d’habitation, acts as a canopy for shading and generates a facade free to be a regulator of breezes and cross ventilation.

Manipulatable modules in construction, delivery, and formal conception, introduce a method of living with adjusted climatic comfort, resource flexibility, and social adaptability. The home is ideally a provider of shelter, comfort, and delight - adjusting to environmental changes throughout the day or season.

This home also appeases the future of resource scarcity, as downsizing might become downsizing and multiplying. In this case, a home might be multiple homes, or even operate as a sort of ‘space sharing’, made possible through digital applications or shared communities based on climate, comfort, necessity, or schedule.

*2019 HOME COMPETITION: Winning Proposal - Director’s Choice
00_Summer House Exterior Render
00_Summer House Exterior Render
00_Summer House Axon
00_Winter House Exterior Render
00_Winter House Axon
00_Elements Diagram
00_Elevation vs Plan Form Finding
00_Summer House Section
00_Winter House Plan
00_Summer House Model
00_Summer House Model
00_Winter House Model
00_Winter House Model